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All About the Cafe!!!
Being in this industry for over 30 years, I started the cafe with a vision of having a place where people could gather, share some stories, fill their bellies and leave with a few new friends. I wanted the customers to have a home away from home and the staff to feel like part of a family. i opened this cafe in the middle of April 2020, two weeks after quarantine. Nobody knew what my food was like, we couldn't hand out our menus to businesses because all the buildings were locked to the public. People were mostly walking on the other side of the street to avoid contact with us, but I learned through this what a big dog community we had, so i put the menus out with bacon I had burnt because i was not very good with the oven at first, and the dogs and the owners would stop and get to know us while their dog enjoyed a tasty treat. Now the menu items are named after the community dogs, plus i have a wall of pictures with the names on each pic and we have a large procession of dogs that stop by every morning to get their special treat. My children have always been by my side so it only seemed fitting to name my business after my son Ryley and my cafe after my daughter Willow. Ryley cooks on occasion , and Willow is usually hanging out on the weekends feeding the pups that come by or her squirrels in the outside tree. I fell in love with the community, the neighbors, the dogs and the location and I hope that everyone that walks through the doors feels the passion that my family and my staff have for this business. Please bring your pup with you because we love meeting new ones all the time.

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